Do you ship to my country? | |
Unfortunately, we’re unable to ship directly to addresses outside of the U.S. (including U.S. territories such as U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, and Puerto Rico) and Canada. We ship anywhere that flat rate priority mail is accepted. However, you can use a third-party shipping company to provide a U.S. shipping address for your international package. These companies can then forward your package to you at your own address.
What are my payment options? | |
At checkout, you can choose to pay using a credit card, or you can pay through your PayPal, ApplePay, or GooglePay account.
When will my order ship? | |
We typically ship packages between 1-2 business days of your order.
How do I know what I’ll pay for shipping? | |
During checkout, we will automatically calculate your shipping charges before you submit your payment information. After you’ve added the items to your cart, you will proceed to the checkout page where you’ll be offered various choices of shipping methods, as well as their prices.
What are your shipping rates? | |
We charge regular shipping rates in the U.S. and provide free shipping for orders over $150.
Are there extra requirements for international orders? | |
Yes. We require that international orders pay using a PayPal account.
What is the return policy? | |
Please see our Terms & Conditions for complete details regarding our return policy.